Millennial Jewish Leadership Training Details
- Gain a new appreciation and pride in the timeless wisdom of connection that is the core of Judaism
- Find out how Social Intelligence = 21st Century Veahavta Lereaha
- Master the principles of the science of connection
- Receive a heads-up about the barriers to positive social relations
- Know the connection diversions inside and outside the Jewish community
- Explore the difference between the fundamental survival instinct (evolutionary psychology) vs. motivational existence
- Be warned about the separative influence of media, education, work, culture, coaches, trainers and how to work with them
- Become appraised of the qualities of the hyper-connected and interdependent world
- Understand how humanity is at a turning point
- Know why the altruist is the new egoist and how to be in the right court
- Master the characteristics of iconic inspired Jewish leaders
- Learn how to use Connected Mindset Leadership in your community
- Understand how to be a “hub of humanity”
- Find out how to take advantage of the world at the “tipping point” and what it means
- Create a connected environment to support a connected community
- Learn the Connection Circle Method
- Discover the science behind the Circle
- Receive coaching in how to be a Circle Moderator
- Train in Connected Gamification
- Build content for Connection Circles tailor for your leadership setting

Contact Connected Wisdom to schedule Millennial Jewish Leadership Training:
[email protected]