Connected Wisdom Collaboration: Happiness the Jewish Way

Connected Wisdom of NYC collaborated with Olga Gilburd, the author of the book Happiness The Jewish Way at her book presentation given in English at the Kings Bay Y, one of the largest JCCs in the Brooklyn-Queens area. The Sunday, June 28th book presentation was...

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The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift at the Kings Bay Y

Sparks Brighter Than A Barbecue On Father's Day, a team from the NYC branch of Connected Wisdom (CW) presented the ultimate gift to fathers in the Mispacha program at the Brooklyn-Queens JCC and their families. The Mishpaha is a social program that brings together...

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Limmud FSU Conference – New York

   In March we took part in large and important community event in order to share our materials and explain our methodology to Limmud representatives. We experienced a warm openness and excitement from many attendees and are now working on the details of future...

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B’nai B’rith – Toronto

   May 19 We met with 26 participants from a Bnai Brith Seniors Club. Right from the start there was a sensation of family in the three large circles, warmth and togetherness filling the room. People remained active, excited and connected throughout the one hour...

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Celebrate Israel Festival

We had a wonderful time connecting with new people at the Celebrate Israel Festival in New York.  The incredible feedback to our Connection Circles method was far beyond our expectations and we can't wait to do it all over again.  

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